Free WordPress Themes
4+ Million people have downloaded our themes and plugins, and so should you! We specialize in SEO, high conversion, and lightweight code. Our themes are the most user-friendly and easiest to set up on the market.
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Free lightweight & fast WordPress themes
We have made sure that all of our themes are fully page speed & loading time optimized. Page speed is a measure of the amount of time it takes for the content on your page to load. A fast page speed is important for your website for a number of reasons. First, your site’s page speed affects your SEO. Page speed is one of the factors Google algorithms rely on to rank pages. Therefore, it goes without saying that a slow page speed will negatively affect your ranking, both on desktop and mobile. Page speed also affects user experience. The more visitors have to wait for a page to load, the more they are likely to abandon your site altogether. Visitors also generally spend less time on pages with a slow load speed. Slow load speeds can also have a negative impact on your site’s conversion rates.
Since Google assumes that high bounce rates and low average time on page are indicators of poor user experience, your site will also be assigned a low quality score, which influences both your average position on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and your cost per click rates. Therefore, with a low pagespeed, you are more likely to pay higher rates for advertisement and at the same time your site will appear lower on SERPs. With this in mind, you should ensure that your page has a decent page speed. The ideal page speed is around 3 seconds, but the lower the better of course.Free SEO optimized WordPress Themes
All of the themes we create, are 100% search engine optimized. People rely on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to find information, products, and services. Therefore, if you want people to visit your website and buy your products and services, you need to ensure that your website is visible on search engines. It makes little sense having a website if prospective clients cannot find you. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process by which you optimize your website to be indexed and ranked higher by search engines, allowing more people to find and visit your website.
SEO has a number of benefits. First, it improves your site’s visibility. If your site appears at the top of search results, more people will see it. In other words, SEO is like advertising your site on a huge billboard on a busy road. The increased visibility also leads to increased traffic. More people will visit your site, a portion of whom will buy your products and services. SEO also gives you an edge over your competition. The higher you appear on search results, the more you will outshine your competitors who are not engaging in SEO. Great SEO also boosts your brand credibility, since people tend to trust sites that appear at the top of search results. Finally, SEO is much cheaper than CPC advertising, and it remains effective for much longer.
Free mobile friendly & responsive themes
A mobile friendly and responsive website is a website that displays correctly regardless of the device on which it is viewed. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets come in different screen sizes. If a website is not responsive, viewing it on different screen sizes can lead to jumbled text and might require a visitor to scroll horizontally because everything does not fit on smaller screens. Responsive websites, on the other hand, respond to the device and resize themselves to fit the screen size of whatever device they are viewed on. Everything displays correctly whether the site is viewed on a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone.
Mobile friendly and responsive websites are important for a number of reasons. Today, more than half of internet users access the internet through mobile devices. Without a mobile friendly and responsive website, you are losing out on all this huge traffic. A responsive website also leads to consistency between visitors accessing your site on desktop and those accessing it on mobile. It also creates a better experience for mobile users. This leads to increased average time on site, higher conversion rates and increased sales. In addition, mobile responsiveness affects your search engine rankings. Mobile responsiveness is one of the factors Google uses to rank websites. Google penalizes websites that are not responsive. Finally, mobile responsiveness gives you an edge over competitors who are yet to implement mobile friendly and responsive website design.
All the themes are easy to set up & install
A website’s theme affects the look and feel of your website, therefore you need to choose a theme that looks good and has the essential features. In addition to choosing a good looking and fully featured theme, you should also ensure that your chosen theme is easy to set up. After choosing a theme, you want to get your website to go live as soon as possible. If you are on a budget, you might also not have the money to pay someone to set up and customize the theme for you. A theme that is easy to set up saves you money because you can do the set up yourself, even if you are just a beginner. In addition, a theme that is easy to set up saves you time, which means your website can go live much faster. Such a theme also makes it easier for you to customize and tinker with different aspects of your website, allowing you to easily build a professional grade website by yourself and achieve a look that matches your business and brand.
Free Themes with lots of customization
A theme is as good as what you can do with it. Ideally, you should go for a theme that allows you to achieve whatever look, feel and functionality you want on your website. This is where theme customization comes in. Themes with little customization options restrict you to a few options and limit what you can achieve on your website.
Themes with lots of customization, on the other hand, give you the freedom to do whatever you want on your website. They give you endless possibilities, with the only limit being your imagination and how conversant you are with the customization options. Themes with lots of customization options allow you to change various aspects of your site’s appearance, such as headers and footers, colors, site layout, widget areas, site background, fonts, buttons, menus, and so on. With a highly customizable theme, you can turn the website you have in your head into reality.
Free beginner friendly WordPress themes
There are two WordPress platforms – and Many beginners do not know this, which leads to a lot of confusion. It’s important to ensure that you are making the right choice, since your choice of platform has a significant impact on your online success. Generally, it is better to start with, and there are a number of reasons why. gives you total control over your site. Unlike, with, you can do anything you want with your website and customize it as much as you wish. gives you complete ownership over your site and the content on the site. You don’t have to worry that your site might be pulled down because you did not adhere to some vague terms of service. There are no limitations to the amount of customizations you can make on your site. You can add any themes and plugins you need on your site and modify any aspect of your site as you wish. In addition, you are free to monetize the site with your own ads or through other monetization methods without having to share your earnings with anyone. Finally, also allows you to get the most out of your site by using tools like Google Analytics to track your site’s performance. All these are things you cannot do on